It's me, Alice again.
This is the second journal I made while travelling in Indonesia. (Have you read and played my Jakarta journal? You really should, since that's Part 1.)
Here in Kalimantan, fewer people speak English, so I had to rely on bahasa Indonesia a lot - speaking and listening. I hope you like the language games. Salam.
gado gado
ikan bakar
nasi pecel
nasi goreng
nasi campur
mie goreng
soto betawi
es campur
es kelapa muda
es the
es jeruk
Language Consultants: Julie Newnham, Brynna Rafferty-Brown
Voice Actor: Wawan Hermawan
Brad illustrations: John Welding
Inanimate Alice episodes 1-5 and 12 photo stories set in Australia are free to view online.
Orangutan video game art (page 8) copyright © rizki katamsi, used by permission.
The Baby Orangutan Rickina video and photo (cover) is © International Animal Rescue. View the video in full online. Find out more about Rickina’s story and the orangutans of West Kalimantan - visit Orangutan Outreach and the organisation's YouTube channel.
For more about Camp Leakey (page 6) and orangutan research, rehabilitation, and conservation, visit Orangutan Foundation International.
Gibbon (page 6): Copyright © Barbara Kinney Photography, used by permission.
Video clips of everyday life in Indonesia (pages 2-3) are generously provided by the KITLV (Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies). They are part of a long-term documentation project 'Recording the Future' of KITLV, LIPI (The Indonesian Institute of Sciences), and offstream film.
You can view the one-hour documentary "Don't forget to remember me - everyday life in Indonesia" online for free.
Creative Commons attribution (images): Chinese-Indonesian meal (page 2): Gunawan Kartapranata on Wikimedia Commons; Kelam Hill in Sintang (page 3), palm fruits (page 7): Ramadian Bachtiar for Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR); klotok on river (page 4), klotok inside (page 5), camp leakey (page 6) © Sandra Vallaure on Flickr; orangutan with bananas (page 5): Gemma I Jere on Flickr; monkeys (page 5): Frank Wouters; hornbill (page 5): Max Grabert; orangutan with milk (page 7): Italo/Ana on Flickr; deforestation (page 7): Josh Estey for AusAID; floating market (page 8): Harri J.
Creative Commons attribution (sounds): Dayak song (on gadget): Community Audio collection, isen mulang ; Jungle Mix (gadget) TBC; orangutan calls (gadget, page 7): University of Zurich, Anthropology Institute and Museum's Orangutan Network, where you can listen to dozens more orangutan calls online and learn about orangutan field research; Gibbon calls (page 5): Soundbytez on
Fly from Jakarta to Pontianak (West Kalimantan), spend the night, and then fly to Pangkalan Bun (PKB) in Central Kalimantan, Iskandar Airport.
Take a taksi to the police station to register (just a formality, no worries). You need 4 passport size photos and 2 photocopies of your passport.
Then, go to PKA office in PKB for a permit to enter taman nasional tanjung puting. Two days by klotok to Camp Leakey and the orangutans.
You will need your bahasa Indonesia! Belajar!
Salam/Love, Tante Batari
Jaya: 4p4 kab4r Mb4k 4l1c3? 5aya r1ndu k4mu!
Alice: Jaya!? Ini bahasa apa? Lucu sekali!
Jaya: Hehehe... ini bahasa Alay, bahasa remaja. Kamu mengerti? "Apa kabar Mbak Alice?"
Alice: Oh wow! Ya, saya mengerti... A=4, E=3, I=1, S=5..?
Jaya: Ya, bagus! Sudah d1 K4l1m4nt4n? 5ud4h m3lih4t 0r4n6hutan?
Alice: Ya, saya sudah di Kalimantan! Besok saya mau naik klotok. Asyik!
Jaya: h4t1-hat1 deng4n bu4ya! p45ti b4nyak di s4n4!
Alice: Hahaha. OK, terim4 k451h!
Jaya: S4y4 r1ndu 53nyum k4mu... k4p4n k3mbal1 k3 J4k4rt4?
Alice: Maaf, Jaya, kamu tahu saya sedang perjalanan keliling dunia. Saya tidak tahu kapan saya bisa kembali ke Jakarta.
Jaya: :(((
Alice: Kita berteman online, ya! Sampai bertemu lagi, Jaya.
Jaya: Saya akan selalu rindu Mbak Alice... sampai bertemu lagi Mbak xxx
In English, Kalimantan means the Indonesian portion (about 73%) of the world’s third largest island, also called Borneo. (Malaysia and tiny Brunei share the island.)
In Indonesian, Kalimantan refers to the whole island.
Indonesia ranks #1 in active volcanoes, but this island has none (whew).
Dayak tribes settled here first, but now the population includes Malay, Chinese, Bugis, Banjar, and other ethnic groups.
Kalimantan is a biological hot spot with one of the world’s largest and oldest rainforests (about 140 million years old).
Wild orangutans live only in Kalimantan and Sumatra (another Indonesian island), no where else on the planet!
Travel Words (1)
Travel Words (2)
Travel Words (3)
Travel Phrases
Wildlife Issue Words (1)
Wildlife Issue Words (2)
Opinion Phrases
"Me-" Verbs
Base word starts with l, m, n, ng, ny, r, w, y: me-
Base word starts with a vowel, g, h, k: meng-
"Me-" Verbs
Base word starts with b, p, f: mem-
Base word starts with c, d, j, t: men-
Base word begins with s: meny-